3 Things Brand Founders can do to Improve Brand Awareness and Boost Visibility

The Brand Whisperer’s Ultimate Guide to Boosting your Brand’s Exposure as its Founder

The role of a brand founder is not easy, as we’re sure you know. The personal story behind a brand, and the various reasons it came to be, are often the most memorable and engaging tools in its’ arsenal. However, in amongst the mounds of paperwork, and admin of running a business, it can be easy to forget those reasons, and share your story with others. Doing this can be amazing for your brands’ visibility and awareness, but can also help make connections, form partnerships to customers, as well as increasing sales, which ultimately is your biggest and most important goal as a founder. At The Brand Whisperer, we find ourselves guiding brand founders on this topic all the time; what to share, what not to share, and how to share it, so we thought we would put together a list of our top three tips on how to discuss your founding story and boost brand awareness to relevant and engaged audiences.

Tip 1: Refine your Brand Ethos, Values and Story

Every brand has a purpose and a reason for being, but sometimes it can be difficult to distill this onto paper, and into words that do your brand justice. If you don’t know your own story, then no one else is going to! We recommend, if you are at the very beginning of your business journey, that you keep a journal, something to reflect on in the months to come, with exactly what is motivating you to begin this venture. When defining your brands’ values, try to think of three keywords or phrases that define who YOU are, and what matters to you. For example, at The Brand Whisperer, we pride ourselves on “shining a light on sustainable businesses” and are “specialists in the field of Beauty and Lifestyle PR”. For businesses that are already firmly established, having a few key statements and a well written USP also help with this. You should be able to describe your business to anyone who enquires in a few short sentences, and if you can’t, then it may be that you need to fine-tune exactly what your purpose is. By having your story and values well defined, it helps you, and people coming into contact with your brand, to remember the story, which is highly important when looking to gain exposure.

Tip 2: Speak at Events

Speaking at events is something that we encourage our clients to do regularly, as it’s an extremely valuable opportunity to share your story and boost your brands’ visibility. It is difficult to find a more engaged audience than one that has paid to attend a specialised event, so this is a time to make an impactful impression and make lots of great contacts. Our superstar client WIZZ&CO, founded by Fashion and Beauty Retail Trend Expert Wizz Selvey, has been making the most of events post lockdown, and has found this to be invaluable for her reputation and WIZZ&CO’s brand awareness. In the past month alone, The Brand Whisperer has helped organise three speaking opportunities for Wizz, which have included Clean Beauty London and The White Label Expo.

“Speaking at events in the recent months has really improved my business’s visibility as it has turned followers and those who connect with me online into real-life contacts. It has allowed me to learn more about my audience, and their needs and has built longer-lasting connections that have resulted in more clients for WIZZ&CO.”

Tip 3: Attend Networking Events and Relevant Industry Talks

You don’t just have to speak at events, attending them is also really important. Local networking events, or specialised industry focused events can be fantastic for your brand, and great for gathering feedback. For example, if you are a sustainable skincare brand, attending retail trend talks, vegan beauty events, publication-run consumer beauty events, fashion weeks etc. is all relevant to your brand. Meeting other founders, journalists, influencers and likeminded people will help to boost your reputation and gain valuable insights into what is trending and getting people talking. We recommend taking business cards and product samples (if applicable) to these events, as you never know who you might meet!

If you would like to discuss how to develop and define your brands values, improve your brands visibility as its founder, and learn more about how PR can help to boost brand awareness, then get in touch.

To learn more about our services, or to get an insight into our clients, head over to our Instagram page or get in touch via Siena@thebrandwhisperer.co.uk

We believe in shining a light on achievements. There’s one right here! Written by our lovely Account Executive, Natasha Cassidy.